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Register now for the annual Quantum Connections networking conference spanning two half-days on May 1st and 2nd, 2024, hosted by the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo. 


Join leading experts in quantum information science and technology as we come together to explore new connections, collaborate on breakthrough research and work towards shaping a brighter, quantum-powered future. 


Connect with industry partners, government officials, researchers and North America's quantum community while also creating new opportunities for connections within Canada's quantum landscape.


Registration Rates 


Registrant Type

Registration Fee






*All prices are listed in CAD, and do not include applicable taxes. Conference registration fees include lunch and coffee breaks on May 1st, breakfast and coffee breaks on May 2nd, as well as two drink tickets and hors d’oeuvres for the networking mixer on May 1st.


Cancellation Policy:

General registration cancellation, less a 50% administration fee, will be accepted until Sunday, April 21, 2024.  No shows are responsible for payment in full and no refunds will be made as of Monday, April 22, 2024.


Contact Information 

If you have any questions about the conference or registration, please contact Kimberly Kuntz via email at kkuntz@uwaterloo.ca.


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